Friday, April 19, 2013

Hot Summer Tips

Summer is very hot now a days, here's some tips to at least lessen erring temperature.

Spend at home reading, chatting, blogging, browsing, socializing after house hold chores. Hence, your kids can play several indoors games,like snake and ladders, scrabble, logical cards, imaginary playing - where I used to let my son play with his old toys, and what he used to do is scattered them in our small living room, just be prepared for the mess around the house. Now, he is appreciating much his FB, and bit amazed posting status already, and liking some pictures he prefer and giving comments. Ohwahh! His a man now?

Next is go to the mall, once or twice in a week, spend time reading in any bookstore, or just sit around and talk with your kids.  I was enhanced too, that today my little man, is somewhat like me, like to browse and read books in bookstores. (hehehehe)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Groovy Grandma...

Thanks God for a new baby! I am now a cute grandma,,, hehehe. I hope there were no violent I am the one sharing my thoughts. Jeck-jeck is his name, he is an Intra user since birth. Now that he is six months, I observed that his reflexes and motor skills were fully developed, in fact he started crawling at his five months. Even his intellectual development is superb. Thanks for phenomenal Intra. For mothers who prefer natural complete vitamins for their babies from zero aged onwards, Intra is the best. Please read this link for more info's: